Charlie hebdo

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Charlie hebdoCharlie hebdo
  1. French authorities say the two brothers in the Charlie Hebdo massacre who were killed by police have been buried in secret , unmarked graves in France .


  2. In his daily editorial on the popular French radio station RTL , on Thursday , Mr. Zemmour called the attacks on Charlie Hebdo France 's Sept. 11 .


  3. The attacks left seventeen people dead , including several staff members of Charlie Hebdo magazine .


  4. The conversation about Charlie Hebdo in France has indeed been different from those in the United States .


  5. or the newspaper staff of Charlie Hebdo ;


  6. To some , the bigoted nature of Charlie Hebdo 's cartoons is clear .


  7. Defenders of the award counter that such arguments overlook the full scope and context of Charlie Hebdo 's cartoons .


  8. The defense of Charlie Hebdo is always on secularist grounds , Ms. Kushner said in an email .


  9. By Sunday , Mr. Clooney had shifted his own focus from Sony to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris .


  10. the begetters of Krokodil and Private Eye , Spitting Image and Canard Enchain é as well as Charlie Hebdo .


  11. The defense of Charlie Hebdo " is always on secularist grounds , " Ms. Kushner said in an email .


  12. And French pessimists were right : 2015 began with the deadly attacks on Charlie Hebdo newspaper and the kosher supermarket in Paris .


  13. But last year 's attacks targeted the east 's nightlife , its partially Jewish heritage and its bohemian classes as represented by Charlie Hebdo magazine .


  14. The controversy revives a debate that flared up in January over whether some of Charlie Hebdo 's cartoons were racist .


  15. The public mood has been much less forgiving than in the aftermath of previous attacks , that began with the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish supermarket attacks in January 2015 .


  16. But " South Park " has never cared much about political fine points so much as comedy that deflates zealots and defends the offensive , like an American Charlie Hebdo .


  17. The horrifying carnage at Charlie Hebdo is a reminder , if ever we needed it , that irreverence is the lifeblood of freedom .


  18. Magazines such as Charlie Hebdo are in the business of taking liberties , even outrageous ones , but they exist so that we never take the gift of disrespect for granted .


  19. Meanwhile , Europe is still reeling from terror attacks in Paris earlier this month that killed 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine , a police officer , and four people in a Jewish supermarket .


  20. The Paris offices of a satirical French weekly , Charlie Hebdo , were burnt out by a petrol bomb after it printed a cover cartoon of the prophet Muhammad .


  21. Clooney wrapped up his speech by highlighting his humanitarian side , referencing the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris , he talked about the protests that took place all around the world earlier Sunday .


  22. Prime Minister Manuel Valls raised France 's security to its highest level attack alert after the Charlie Hebdo bloodshed . That means there will be reinforced security at media company offices , major stores , religious centers and on public transport , Valls ' office said in a statement .


  23. They point to websites like Understanding Charlie Hebdo Cartoons , which offers detailed analysis of some of the magazine 's ruder images , or to a study published in Le Monde in February stating that , contrary to the notion that the publication focused obsessively on Islam ,


  24. JeSuisCharlie is the French phrase of " I am Charlie ( Hebdo ) " .
